
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blade Runner: Pris portrayed by Daryl Hannah

Blade Runner: Pris portrayed by Daryl Hannah

Pris is a "basic pleasure model" portrayed by Daryl Hannah (incepted on St. Valentine's Day). She meets with and becomes friends with J.F. Sebastian. Pris is also the girlfriend of fellow replicant Roy Batty. At an A Physical Level, she is shown to have super-human endurance (as in the scene where she grabs a boiling egg with her bare hand without harm). Her B Mental Level puts her at a lower intellectual level than Roy. She sets a trap for Deckard in the Bradbury Building, where she disguises herself as a mannequin and uses her gymnastic skills to ambush Deckard; however, she is retired by Deckard. Her punk outfits were inspired by a new wave calendar. It is suggested in Blade Runner 2: The Edge of Human that Pris was in fact an insane human who believed that she was a replicant.