
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lara Logan: Hot war corespondent

Lara Logan: Hot war corespondent 

Lara Logan Sex Scandal: CBS' New Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent At Center of Divorce War: Report -Huffington Post

Update: For more details on the Logan's Baghdad love triangle — revealed to include CNN's Michael Ware — click here.

Lara Logan, who has been CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent since February 2006 and has reported from war zones for 17 years, was recently named Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent for the network. But that's not the juiciest news of the week surrounding Logan, who made headlines last week after appearing on the "Daily Show" and slamming American coverage of the Iraq war.

According to a National Enquirer report, Logan is at the center of a bitter divorce between Joe and Kimberly Burkett. Joe Burkett is a U.S. State Department contractor who was in Baghdad alongside Logan, which is reportedly where the affair began.

Lara Logan (born 29 March 1971) is a South African television and radio journalist, and war correspondent. She is the chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News, and a correspondent for CBS's 60 Minutes.

Logan was born in Durban, South Africa. She attended high school at Durban Girls' College, and the University of Natal in Durban, graduating in 1992 with a degree in commerce. She went on to earn a diploma in French language, culture and history at the Université de l'Alliance Française in Paris.[1] She married Jason Siemon, a professional basketball player, in 1998; the marriage ended in divorce. In 2008 she married Joseph Burkett, a U.S. government defense contractor from Texas, U.S.A. whom she met in Afghanistan.[5] They live in Washington, D.C., with their son Joseph Washington V (b. December 2008) and daughter Lola (b. March 2010),[6] and Burkett's daughter from a previous marriage.

Logan was criticized in June 2010 for her remarks about another journalist, Michael Hastings, and her view that reporters who embed with the military ought not to write about the general banter they hear. An article by Hastings in Rolling Stone that month quoted General Stanley A. McChrystal and his staff—comments Hastings overheard while traveling with McChrystal—criticizing U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden and other officials, after which President Obama fired McCrystal as his commander in Afghanistan.[12] Logan told CNN that Hastings' reporting had violated an unspoken agreement between reporters who travel with military personnel not to report casual comments that pass between them.[13]

Quoting her statement, "I mean, the question is, really, is what General McChrystal and his aides are doing so egregious, that they deserved to end a career like McChrystal’s? I mean, Michael Hastings has never served his country the way McChrystal has," CNN's former chief military correspondent, Jamie McIntyre, said that it was indeed egregious, and her comments reinforced the worst stereotype of embedded reporters. He went on to quote Admiral Mike Mullen's statement that military personnel are required to be neutral and should not criticize civilian leaders.[14]

Glenn Greenwald of Salon wrote that she had done courageous reporting over the years, but had come to see herself as part of the government and military. -Wikipedia